Collagen Craze: 4 reasons why it’s more than a fad

Everyone wants to look and feel great. We can eat healthy food, exercise, and get enough sleep so we can get more out of life with confidence.

These days, everyone is hopping onto the wellness bandwagon. There are those who are into fitness, those who are into super foods, and those who are into skincare. Overall wellness junkies are particularly going gaga over collagen because it has benefits that go beyond skin deep. There are many reasons why this skincare craze may be here to stay.

It makes your skin look youthful

Who doesn’t want to take the perfect selfie? Collagen, one of the most abundant proteins in the human body (our skin is 80% collagen), is known for its anti-ageing properties. Many love it for its ability to lessen wrinkles and plum up skin. Others swear by it because it helps give the skin a youthful appearance. Powdered collagen is a popular supplement these days for that youthful, “no filter” glow.

It makes your hair and nails look healthier

Shiny hair and nails are a mark of good health. Who wouldn’t want luscious locks and smooth-looking nails? In addition to giving the skin a youthful glow, collagen also makes hair and nails more luminous. Those who use collagen regularly experience less hair fall. They also tend to have thicker, stronger hair. Likewise, collagen makes nails stronger, less brittle.

Collagen relieves joint pains

Did you know that our joints are made of collagen? As we age, the collagen in our body decreases, so it’s a good idea to make sure we’re not in short supply. Plus, there’s wear and tear because of daily living. That’s why those who live an active lifestyle (those who love lifting, doing yoga, and whatnot) will greatly benefit from taking collagen supplements. Studies have shown that those who take collagen regularly experience lessened joint pain. So aside from looking good, collagen surely helps people feel great!

It lessens bone loss and helps add muscle mass

Aside from making people look great on the outside, collagen is helpful in preventing osteoporosis. Adding collagen to your wellness regiment can serve as a preventive measure for bone loss. While the ageing process is inevitable, taking some collagen products together with some calcium supplements will lessen bone loss. For those who enjoy working out, it’s great to know that collagen helps maintain or even increase muscle mass.

There are many options out there if you want to try collegen out. There are topical creams, tablets or capsules, collagen drinks, and even powders that can be mixed with food. Whatever you choose, there’s a collagen solution that meets your lifestyle.

Using collagen isn’t just about looking good on the outside. It isn’t all about vanity and it’s easy to say that looking good is just a by-product of collagen’s many other health benefits that will help us live well.

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