Categories: Adulting

Marie Kondo’s Tips for Working Joyfully at Home

The Japanese consultant known for the art of decluttering and finding items that spark joy teaches us how to be productive. It doesn’t matter if this is in a traditional office or a remote setup; Having a space that’s conducive for work will keep you focused, and therefore help you get more things done. Marie Kondo has just the tips to achieve this and work joyfully from home.  

Organize Your Items

Who better to take tidying tips from than Marie Kondo? In a book she co-authored, Joy at Work, they found that having too much clutter makes you less productive. That’s why tidying your space and organizing your items does the trick. Remove all the items that are not work-related and leave one thing that sparks joy, like a vase of fresh flowers or a framed family portrait. If it’s not on a designated workstation, clear out these items at the end of the day to avoid the after-hours distraction.

Have a Morning Routine

The most highly effective people have morning routines so there should be no excuse to have one. Whether it’s doing meditation or journaling at the start of the day, do something that signals your mind and body that you’re about to switch to work mode. The simpler the routine, the easier it will be to stick with it. Likewise, create an evening routine to help you unwind at the end of the day. Maybe take a bath or tidy the countertops so you won’t feel too weary the next day.

Manage Your Time

Interruptions and administrative tasks are inevitable so the best you can do is resist the “urgency trap”. Know your priorities and get to the important tasks first, but do so efficiently so you aren’t taking up too much of your time and energy. An alternative solution to managing your time is to have a schedule for everything, including rest and leisure. When you give yourself time off, you’re allowing your brain to refocus and avoid being burnt out.

Stay Connected

The pandemic has brought about many challenges, especially when it comes to communication and interaction. Marie Kondo advises to schedule time to check up on colleagues or loved ones because staying connected is essential to staying “energized and engaged”. You’ll feel better knowing you aren’t going through things alone and you can hold each other accountable as you work remotely.

ALSO READ: How Students are Using Virtual Study Halls to Overcome Procrastination

Take tidying as an opportunity to create a workspace that sparks joy. This includes getting rid of digital clutter and streamlining your tasks to be more productive, whether that’s at home or work.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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