Categories: Life

How to be Productive Outside of Work

When people talk about productivity, it’s usually to do with hustle culture and the pressure to be constantly busy. The goal shouldn’t be to get more work done but to get things done efficiently. Tap into these leisurely activities that put you on top of your gaming without burning you out.

Take a Break

Yes, resting is productive. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s proven to help with your mental and physical well-being. Take that paid leave, that power nap, and get at least 6-8 hours of quality sleep every night. Sure, there will be times when you need to pull an all-nighter for a big project, but don’t make it a habit to work past regular hours.

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Do House Chores

You might be wondering why this is on the list when you were just told to take a break. Just because you take a break from work, doesn’t mean you abandon other responsibilities. Having a tidy space can boost productivity, especially when working from home. Also, wouldn’t it be nice going to bed knowing you won’t have a pile of dishes to wash the next morning?

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Pick up a Hobby

While it sounds smart to monetize everything you’re good at, sometimes you should do things just because you enjoy them. This could be baking, sewing, painting, or whatever interests you. Use it as a form of stress relief. Who knows, you might get your next big idea while doing something completely unrelated to work.

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Reconnect with Loved Ones

Just like your devices need recharging, so do you. Put your phone away an hour before bed or log out of your social media accounts if you need to. Focus on people that matter to you and make real-life connections. Host a wine night with your friends, cuddle up with your significant other, or even just have a nice dinner with your family.

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Make Healthy Choices

No one’s forcing you to do an intense workout or eat a salad every day if that’s not what you want to do. But at least go for a light walk, do some stretching, and eat food that will fuel you throughout the day. What’s the point of working endless hours only to have your health deteriorate? You wouldn’t be able to properly fulfill your job functions if you aren’t doing well.

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Remind yourself that productivity isn’t a competition. Don’t feel guilty if you think you aren’t doing enough or as much as someone else. You don’t want to wear yourself too thin trying to live up to other people’s definition of the word.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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