Categories: Tech

Thinking of making a Finsta? Read this first!

(Source: Unsplash)

Are you looking for an outlet to express your innermost feelings? If you’re the type to curate your Instagram feed with a certain aesthetic or theme, you might be hesitant to ruin your vibe. After all, most people post snippets of them living their best lives on the mega-famous app, right?

That’s why you should consider making a finsta. You might be thinking, “wait, what?” Well, according to Urban Dictionary, a finsta, which is short for a fake Instagram, is a private Instagram account where people post what they’re too afraid to post on their ‘real’ account. 

From ugly selfies to inside jokes, passionate rants to embarrassing moments, a finsta serves as a platform for a lot of people to post their unedited selves. What’s great about having a finsta is that you get to choose who follows your account, which means you get to filter who gets to see the ‘real’ you. Plus, you wouldn’t have to ruin your organized Instagram feed. 

How exactly do you start a finsta anyway? It’s actually easy peasy! You simply need to start a new Instagram account. However, it’s important that you ensure this account isn’t linked to any of your public social media accounts. 

The purpose of having a finsta is to have a private outlet only your innermost circle has access to. That’s why you have to be careful about the username and name you choose for that account. You need to be picky about your Profile Photo as well. You shouldn’t use a selfie or a photo that could be easily linked to you. 

In a world that tends to pressure you to be perfect in the ‘reel world,’ having a finsta is a liberating outlet to be your true self. Just remember not to mix up your ‘real’ account and finsta so you don’t end up oversharing to the world.

Published by
Aiya Rodjel
Tags: Instagram

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