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Rechargeable Gadgets to Prepare for Power Interruptions

Power interruptions are common during stormy weather so it’s important to always stay alert and be prepared. Have an emergency kit ready in case you need to flee your area and keep these rechargeable gadgets on hand. You can never be too prepared for the rainy season and occasional brownouts.

Power bank

Almost everyone these days owns a power bank. It’s inexpensive and convenient to have when you’re devices are running low on battery. A power bank with at 10,000 mAh could get you through several full charges before going empty. Just make sure to recharge it as soon as there’s electricity again.

via Shopee

AM/FM Radio

Radios might not be as popular as they used to be, but it’s definitely something you want to keep around. When the internet is unavailable and there’s no cellular signal, one way to access information and stay updated with the news is through the radio.

via Lazada

Emergency Flashlight

Our phones are equipped with a flashlight but using it for prolonged periods will easily drain the battery. Candles could be dangerous especially when you have kids around, which is why an emergency flashlight is recommended instead. Find one that’s both rechargeable and battery-operated so you don’t have to fumble for fresh batteries in the dark.

via Lazada

Portable Fan

It could get tiring fanning yourself when it gets hot, so a portable fan is nice to have when the power’s out. From personal fans that you can hang around your neck to a rechargeable desktop fan, there are plenty of options available to choose from. Some are even multi-functional, equipped with a power bank and emergency ring light.

via Shopee

During natural disasters and power interruptions, it’s crucial to have a backup plan to get you and your family through the dark. Remember to check the batteries of these rechargeable gadgets so they’re ready whenever you need them.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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