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The Best Pandemic Purchases You’ll Find Online

Online shopping has become a pastime for some people during the pandemic. There were budols (read: items not worth your money), but there were also purchases that lived up to their expectations. These are some of the best finds on the internet that you won’t regret buying.

Anti-Dust/Mite Vaccum

While others might find it absurd to own two vacuums, having a separate cleaning device for the beds and sofa is sanitary. The Deerma CM800, for instance, has a UV-C lamp for sterilization that your regular floor vacuum lacks.

via Lazada

Capsule Coffee Machine

Whether it’s a Nespresso or a generic capsule coffee machine, having an espresso machine at home has been an upgrade for most. This was the next best thing to visiting cafes for coffee lovers since people are encouraged to stay at home.

via Lazada

Air Fryer

Not everyone was quick to hop on the air fryer trend pre-pandemic. It has since become a staple in every kitchen, with plenty of affordable and aesthetic options available on the market.

via Lazada

Ergonomic Chair

Ergonomic chairs don’t come cheap, but they’re worth the investment to avoid further back pain, especially when working from home. They provide comfort and support ordinary chairs fall short on.

via Lazada

Air Purifier

Having a clean home isn’t limited to disinfecting surfaces. Now that we’re home more often, the demand for air purifiers has also increased. Those with allergic rhinitis noticed they sleep better at night since using one.

via Lazada

Water Filter

Say goodbye to unsightly blue water gallons when you have a water filter at home. It will save you from frequent trips to the refilling station and ensures you have clean drinking water. They’re easy to install, too, considering you just hook them up to your faucet.  

via Lazada

Online shopping can be a gamble because you never truly know what you ordered until it arrives. Thankfully, there are still honest reviewers out there who share what they really think about their pandemic purchases.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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