Categories: Movies & TV

Meet the Crazy Rich Asians of Bling Empire

If you haven’t heard of Bling Empire yet or want to get to know the cast better, you’ve come to the right place. Netflix is banking on reality shows and what better way to get us hooked than with real-life Crazy Rich Asians of LA. Watch them tout designer brands and luxury items like it’s no big deal.

Kane Lim

Kane Lim may be a son of a Singaporean billionaire but has been earning his own fortune with the luxury fashion brand he launched when he was 17 and through investments in real estate. He’s that person in the group that seems to be friends with everyone and is always down for anything. You’ll see his love for designer everything in the show and on his Instagram feed.

Kevin Kreider

Kevin Kreider is the only cast member who wasn’t born into wealth, but he brings a refreshing view to the show. The male model was born in South Korea and was adopted when he was younger moved to LA to kick off his career. While everyone else is caught in their superficial problems and petty drama, he’s there to make a statement — To change how Asian men are perceived in the media.

Kim Lee

Fun and easy-going is one way to describe this self-made millionaire. Kim Lee is a DJ that’s gone on tour with big names in the music industry like Diplo and Cardi B. Kane dubbed her “the Calvin Harris of Asia” and you’ll see snippets of her spinning on the show. You’ll see she’s also got a soft and loving side to her, as she shows her affection towards her Vietnamese mother.

Jamie Xie

Among the cast, Jamie Xie is the youngest and the richest under 30. The former equestrian champion now spends her days in haute couture and is a regular at fashion shows. Jamie inherited her fortune from her father, tech billionaire Ken Xie, known for the world’s first VPN. Even so, she makes millions as an influencer and model and you can catch more of her glamourous life on the show.

Kelly Mi Li

The entrepreneur and movie producer doesn’t seem to have much luck when it comes to love, but at least she’s thriving in her career. Her ex-husband turned out to be involved in a cybersecurity scam which led her to the entertainment industry. According to Marie Claire, she’s the one who pitched the show and helped put the cast together.

Christine Chiu

Christine Chiu truly gets the best things in life, throwing lavish parties and buying the most expensive clothing brands and high jewelry. She is married to celebrity plastic surgeon, Gabriel Chiu, who co-founds Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery so you can imagine how much money they make. To be fair, Christine always gives back and takes pride in her charities and philanthropic work.

Cherie Chan

Cherie Chan doesn’t get too caught up in the drama because she’s usually too busy taking care of her family. In the show, she’s already pregnant with baby number 2 with long-time partner, Jessey Lee. This family-oriented woman is an heiress to an undisclosed denim empire and co-owns Religion Tequila. It’s no wonder she has such an exquisite taste?

Anna Shay

Anna Shay takes the crown as the richest cast member. The generational wealth came from her father’s defense technology company, Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE) which sold for $1.2 billion in 2006. With enough money to last her a lifetime, she spends her days and her wallet’s content on the people around her. She’ll even casually fly to Paris for a birthday celebration.

While there is no official release date yet, Bling Empire has been renewed for a second season and we can’t wait to see what rich people problems they’ll be facing next.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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