Categories: Deals

Go all out in your cycling workout at home with Rave Studio!

Because of the lockdown, non-essential businesses, including gyms and fitness centers, have temporarily closed as a preemptive measure for COVID-19. At a time when going out of the house has been limited, many of us are worried about our fitness. But, staying fit during the strict community quarantine should not be an option.

You can still shed the quarantine weight while at home by enrolling at Rave Studio!

Rave Studio is a fitness club that offers group workouts called raves. They offer high-intensity training that will help you burn calories and tone your muscles. They have two types of raves, Rave Cycle and Rave Circuit, which are both designed to feel like a dance party to make the workout more effective, enjoyable, and sustainable.

Photo from Rave Studio

Despite being closed, Rave Studio offers more convenient workout options that you can do while at home with their E-Rave classes. If you prefer to workout with everyone else, choose the Rave Cycle Mosh Pit which is an indoor cycling class conducted online for only PHP 1,499 for access from June 1-30. But, if you want to workout at your own time, you can choose the RAVE//STREAM option. This option has a 24/7 mosh pit access from June 1-30 and an online dashboard of workout guides for only PHP 2,499.

All bookings are done through their website ( All you need to do is to create an account and purchase Rave Passes to be able to reserve your spot in a rave. And because FREEBIEMNL partnered with Rave Studio, you can get a 25% off on your 30-day subscription fee! Access the RAVE//STREAM dashboard via and select the 30-day subscription offer. Use the code FREEBIE25 to avail of the discount before checking out on the website. You can save as much as PHP 700 on the subscription fee* effective upon the first payment confirmation which is after the FREE 3-day trial. 

*Subscription fee will be adjusted back to the original amount on the next payment period.

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