
Summer Fruits We Can’t Wait to Eat

Technically, the Philippines doesn’t have a “summer” because it’s hot most of the year. But we look forward to this season anyway because it usually involves beach trips, family bonding, and of course, food. These are the best summer fruits to snack on while they’re still fresh and in-season.


Avocados usually fruit from May to September, but some local trees are ready for harvesting by January to March. The creamy fruit can be eaten alone but mashing it and adding condensed milk just takes it to the next level. It’s a favorite Pinoy merienda.


The most produced variety in the country is the Cavendish, followed by the Saba. This fruit is available year-round but they’re still a great snack because of how affordable they are. Maybe this summer you’ll want to perfect your Banana Bread recipe?


Dubbed as the “orange of the Philippines”, these small citruses are fruits that can be eaten as is or squeezed into juice. Just add honey to give an extra sweet flavor to your zesty drink.


Did you know that mangoes are the national fruit of the Philippines? So it’s no surprise that Pinoys love them so much. If you want a sweet variety, go for the Carabao mango, but the green mangoes are just as great especially when paired with salt or bagoong.


Another abundant fruit during the summer is pineapple. They may not be native to the Philippines, but being a tropical country makes it an ideal place to grow them.


Because of how sweet and juicy watermelons are, they’re a refreshing way to cool down in the heat. To tell when it’s ripe, look for the yellow spot at the bottom or give it a tap to see if it makes a hollow sound.

While these fruits are available at any other time of the year, they taste better in-season and are usually cheaper so make sure to buy some from your local market.

ALSO READ: 6 Practical Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Published by
Zarah Faderon
Tags: Summer

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