Categories: Food

Which coffee machine is for you?

For coffee lovers out there (which we know are many of us!), having your own coffee machine at home can be a good investment as aside from it will help you save bucks in the long run, it can also instill that commitment in you to learn how to brew a great coffee. However, choosing which coffee machine to buy isn’t that easy for everyone especially for those who aren’t familiar with the different types. With this, we’ve come up with a simple guide to help you choose which type of coffee machine to buy that will best suit your needs, lifestyle, and preference.

Before making any purchase, make sure you’ve got yourself acquainted with the types of coffee machine you can choose from. Below are the 3 main types that you should know:

Capsule or pod coffee machines

Pod coffee machines mean you don’t need to mess around with buying coffee beans and grinding them. Yes, that’s questionable for some in terms of the expense and waste, but capsule coffee is clearly convenient. These use pre-prepared coffee pods for a quick, easy and mess-free brew, but you’re usually limited to a specific type of capsule and the pods can be pricey and hard to recycle.

Pros: Disposable pods can make decent coffee; even specialty coffee for Nespresso pods are available here in Manila

Cons: They’re not environmentally friendly so we highly suggest using a reusable pod and buying ground beans

Home Espresso machines

The perfect way to bring out your inner barista – a bean to cup machine is a little bit of your favorite coffee shop right in your own kitchen. Without leaving your home, you can have fresh coffee at your fingertips. Grinding the bean just before it is used means it has stayed as fresh as possible, which is why coffee shops will use beans rather than pre-bought grounds. Finding the best bean to cup machine means taking into consideration your particular taste in coffee, as well as your budget and if you like milk-based drinks to be made with ease.

Pros: it’s espresso in your home! And you can steam milk to make a latte!

Cons: All-in-one espresso machines can be affordable but quality can suffer. Built-in grinders are not always the best.

Batch Brewer

It’s the kettle that boils in the morning — the most iconic preparation for coffee whether you’re at a bed and breakfast or at home. Brewed coffee can be the easiest to prepare and newer models come with exciting features such as built-in timers and recipes for coffee ratios.

Pros: Pretty much the most plug and play solution for coffee in the morning. If all you want is black coffee with no frills, this is it!

Cons: Filter basket can be hard to clean

Filter Coffee / Pour-Over

No electricity? No problem? Pour over or filter coffees are gaining a lot of popularity in local coffee shops. There’s a lot to be said about the timings and effort put into creating a delicious cup. There are many methods — V60, Chemex, Aeropress, French Press — each with their own merits. We highly encourage you to check out the local Coffee Home Brewers community for the merits of each method.

Pros: No electricity needed!

Cons: Technique in pour-over coffees can really affect the taste of your drink

Published by
The Freebie MNL Staff

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