Categories: Wellness

How to Workout Like Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson

It’s no surprise that Brie Larson is as strong as the character she plays in Captain Marvel. Months before filming, she trained hard with celebrity trainer Jason Walsh of Rise Nation and has since been consistent with her workout sessions. Reprising her role in The Marvels, she’s back at it again, flexing her progress on social media.

Reaching New Fitness Heights

The 32-year-old shares behind the scenes of her fitness routine on Instagram and the YouTube channel she created during quarantine. Recently, she posted a video of her performing push-ups with chains laid across her back. “Nothing hits quite the same as the clanking sound of chains wrapped around your body,” the caption read, and to say it was impressive is an understatement.

Brie Larson’s Foundation Workout

While not everyone has a state-of-the-art private gym, there’s still a way for ordinary people to follow Brie’s fitness routine. You’ll want to leave out the weights and chains if you’re just a beginner and start with daily stretches and getting the foundational work down, according to coach Walsh. Here are some of the moves he recommends.

  1. World’s Greatest Stretch; 15 reps on each side.
  2. Deep Squats; 3 deep breaths.
  3. Shoulder Pendulum; 1-2 sets of 30 reps.
  4. Band External Rotation; 3 sets for 1 minute.
  5. Lateral Plank; Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  6. Body Roll Flexion to Extension; 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side.
  7. Single-leg Hip Thrust on Bench; 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side.
  8. Banded Single-Leg Eccentric Squat; 6-8 reps on each side.
  9. Single-Leg Airplane; Hold for 5 breaths on each side.
  10. Ski Row; 5-8 rounds, resting for 1-2 minutes between each round.
  11. Cool Down Stretches.
  12. Isometric Pull-up Hold; 1 minute.

Brie proves that she is a woman with super strength having mastered one-arm pull-ups and 150kg hip thrusts. All those grueling hours in the gym were well worth it because she breezes through her reps like it’s nothing.

Art Macky Arquilla

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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