Categories: Entertainment

Read Up On The Gas Digger Serye

The internet is such a fascinating place where you’ll find everything from life hacks, memes, to gossip. After the Change Oil fiasco, another story trends on social media titled the Gas Digger Serye. It’s about a supposedly wealthy young man who tries to scam a woman on a dating app to pay for his car’s fuel.

The Pick-up Line

A 19-year-old male who goes by the name Supremo on the dating app was setting a meet-up with his match. Meeting halfway wasn’t an issue seeing that they both happen to be located within close proximity. The plan was that he’d pick her up in his Montero and they’ll go to a drive-thru for a quick bite. He even offered to treat her to coffee.

The Catch

After Supremo’s match gives her address, he asks if she could chip in to pay for gas. While that wasn’t a problem, things go down a slippery slope when he insists that she send the money to his Gcash because his credit card maxed out. Supremo tried persuading her to transfer any amount she could, with the excuse that he only had one bar left in his car’s tank.

Endless Excuses

His match caught on with his antics, but she played along anyway. The poor guy didn’t give up easily and kept reasoning with her, thinking he was making a case. He says he couldn’t borrow from another friend because he already owes them money, then spent the last 3 days partying which is why he’s strapped for cash. Sounds fishy.

Nice Meeting You

It wasn’t a pleasant interaction, so she politely backed out of Supremo’s invitation. He didn’t take it well and starts belittling her, calling her cheap for someone who’s employed. Meanwhile, he’s just a student who already has a car, 2 million pesos saved in the bank, and gets a P10,000 allowance from his parents. He continues flaunting his privileges but nothing he says is impressive.

What could have been a spontaneous hangout became a bitter match. Since going viral, his real name was revealed to be Timothy Garcia and it turns out this has been an ongoing scheme of his. If you’re invested in the story and want to know more, check out #gasdiggerserye.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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