Categories: Adulting

How to Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger

Finding a place in a major city that’s both spacious and premium could be a challenge. But if you’re creative and up for it, living in a compact home can be fun. Follow these visual tricks to upgrade your home and make your small space feel bigger while sticking to a limited budget.

Paint Your Walls a Lighter Color

White walls are a safe choice and are great if you want a blank canvas. Other light colors like cream or beige are still neutral enough to make your space feel open and airy. Include hints of blue and green to achieve a softer look.

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Have Less Visual Clutter

Make sure that everything gets put away as soon you’re done using it. Having too much clutter out in the open makes the home feel cramped, even if it isn’t necessarily the case. One way of going about this is having organizing baskets or multipurpose furniture like an ottoman that doubles as hidden storage.

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Go for Bigger Furniture

It might seem counterintuitive to fill the room with a large piece of furniture. However, opting for several smaller pieces of furniture only adds to the illusion of clutter which you don’t want. A sectional couch, for example, takes up more real estate but maximizes the area.

Utilize Vertical Space

Take advantage of vertical space if you live in a small home. Additional shelving units like bookcases and kitchen cabinets not only provide extra storage, but it is also a design trick to make the room look bigger than it is. Having space-saving items like an over-the-sink dish rack would be ideal.

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Add Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Mirrors and reflective surfaces can be decorative pieces and at the same time help light bounce around the room. This is especially helpful in making your home feel bigger when the light source from windows is limited. Just don’t place them in front of a door or your bed if you are superstitious.

Photo by Rachel Claire on

All these suggestions to make your small space feel bigger are cost-effective and can easily be DIY-ed. With proper tools and research, you can create a more inviting home without having to move or spend a fortune.

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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