Categories: Adulting

Self-Improvement Books to Help You Become a Morning Person

Waking up early can be a struggle, especially if you aren’t a morning person. The snooze button gets hit multiple times before you roll out of bed, then you fuel yourself with a cup of coffee and get straight to work. If this sounds all too familiar, maybe you need to read these books and change your mindset about mornings.

My Morning Routine

The authors describe this book as “part instruction manual, part someone else’s diary.” It delves into the lives of 64 successful people like Marie Kondo and the President of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed Catmull, to see what inspires them every day. They all might lead different lives, but one thing they all have in common is a solid morning routine that sets them for the day.

via Amazon

Why We Sleep

If you want to be more creative, productive and see improvements in your life, you’ll want to start with your sleep habits. We often don’t realize how sleep affects our physical and mental well-being, and author and neuroscientist Matthew Walker provides substantial insight on this topic. Even Bill Gates thinks it’s a fascinating read.

The 5 AM Club

When you wake up earlier, naturally, you’ll have more time to accomplish things. But some of us can only dream of being that person who gets up at the crack of dawn, exercise, read a book and still be invigorated for work. This book can help you become part of the 5 AM Club and maximize your productivity while teaching you how to keep distractions at bay.

Atomic Habits

James Clear gives readers the tools and strategies they need to succeed with their goals, backed by research and inspiring anecdotes. The gist of the book is that starting with small habits can lead immensely change your life. In the context of becoming a morning person, instead of waking up before sunrise, get up 30 minutes before your first alarm.

Becoming a morning person won’t happen overnight. Take what you need from these books, apply them to your everyday life, and change your night owl ways.  

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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