Categories: Wellness

5 Natural Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Do you have a sore throat that won’t go away? You may have caught this due to the common cold, flu, strep throat, or being in contact with a COVID-positive person. Even though it usually goes away within a week, enduring the discomfort is not the way to go. Fortunately, you can get relief with these natural home remedies for sore throat.

Photo by Ron Lach on

ALSO READ: How To Tell The Difference Between Flu, Cold, and COVID-19

Salt Water

Gargling salt water is a straightforward and efficient way to kill bacteria. It’s also great for breaking up mucous and relieving pain caused by a sore throat. Mix half 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle. To prevent yeast and fungus growth, you can also add 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.


Since honey has natural antibacterial properties, it can provide relief and reduce inflammation caused by a sore throat. Stir two tablespoons of honey with water or tea and drink as needed throughout the day.


Lemons, like salt water and honey, are effective for sore throats. In addition to helping break up mucous and relieve pain, this citric fruit contains loads of Vitamin C that helps boost your immune system. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and consume.

Ginger Tea

Herbal teas like ginger tea or salabat can be used as a natural home Remedies for sore throats. Aside from its soothing effects, it’s also known to help with digestion and alleviate nausea. Boil two inches of thinly sliced ginger with four cups of water, and consume as is or with a few tablespoons of honey and calamansi.

Hot Sauce

This may come as a surprise but, hot sauce has been proven to soothe a sore throat. Since it is made from capsaicin-rich peppers, it has properties to treat inflammation and give pain relief, according to Penn Medicine. Add a few drops in a warm glass of water and drink with caution as it may burn at first.

Art Daniella Sison

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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