Categories: Wellness

How to Maintain Healthy Eating Habits During the Holidays

When the holidays arrive each year, there always seems to be guilt over the many delicious foods you’ll be eating at parties. And while studies suggest that most adults gain weight during this season, this is no reason to fret over the festivities. You can still celebrate while maintaining healthy eating habits with these tips.

Find Time to Move

Be kind to your body even if you miss a workout, especially during this time of the year. Rather than forcing yourself to burn off the extra calories at the gym, look for other ways you could stay active. Plan a family activity such as a swim at the beach or do general cleaning around the house to help you break a sweat.

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Keep Healthy Choices on Hand

Include fruits and veggies on your holiday menu. These make for excellent snacks or side dishes, provided it’s not heavily coated in creamy sauces or butter. In addition to adding diversity to your plate, fruits and veggies can also help lower blood cholesterol levels, support blood sugar control, and lessen your risk of cardiovascular disease, according to Eating Well.

Everything in Moderation

While it may be tempting to have a bite of everything on the menu, choose the ones you like best and savor them. This way, you aren’t depriving yourself of your favorite foods and satisfy any cravings you have. Allowing yourself a small serving of holiday treats means you can enjoy the festivities without feeling overstuffed or lethargic.

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Limit Alcohol Consumption

Similar to food, consume alcohol in moderation. If you’re monitoring calories, you might want to ease back on the holiday drinking since the calories in wine, beer, and mixed beverages range from 150 to 225. Alternate between alcoholic beverages and water throughout the evening to aid in quenching your thirst.

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Prioritize Making Memories

“Food offers more than just calories and macronutrients. They are also satiety, comfort, culture, memories, tradition, joy, and more!” Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian Jo Sebastian reminds us. Although food is an important aspect of the holidays, the emphasis should be on surrounding yourself with loved ones and spreading cheer.

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Art Daniella Sison

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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