Categories: Wellness

Know Which Tea is Best for You and Your Body

Tea has been used for centuries to cure ailments, strengthen the immune system, and provide comfort. They’re a surefire way to keep healthy and maintain a balanced lifestyle, mostly because tea has been shown to have components that protect against life-threatening illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

With these overwhelming health benefits, it might help to know which tea is best for you and when to drink it!

For the relaxing drink before bed

Chamomile tea

An herbal drink free of caffeine, this tea made from daisies is good for those looking to relax and unwind before a good night’s sleep. Chamomile can also help relieve menstrual pain in women and can overall reduce inflammation and anxiety.

Photo by cottonbro on

Lavender tea

Lavender tea is another type of tea that is meant to soothe the soul; it helps your body and mind achieve a calm state and can even help with sleep disorders. Like most teas, it also plays a part in strengthening your immune system and detoxifying your body.

Photo by Leah Kelley on

For the after dinner bloat

Peppermint tea

This is a perfect concoction for constipation and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The menthol in peppermint tea relaxes the intestinal tract and can relieve bloating after a big dinner. Extra points because it also offers pain relief from headaches and migraines!

Photo from NDTV Food

Ginger tea

Get rid of chronic indigestion and intense nausea with a good old cup of ginger tea. The warm and slightly spicy drink is known to ease symptoms of morning sickness and help with vomiting.

Photo from E Times

For when you’re under the weather

Chai tea

With high caffeine content and a number of spices, this variant of black tea helps wake you up when you’re feeling down. Moreover, it contains powerful antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals in the surrounding environment and can actually set you up for more stable health in the future.

Photo from Taste of Home

Lemon and honey tea

An age-old “cure” for sore throat and colds is lemon and honey tea. This classic combination is packed with vitamin C that helps to soothe your throat and boost your immunity. A bonus effect is that it also helps with weight loss!

For long life

Black tea

It’s got a hefty list of health benefits, but black tea is best known for preventing cognitive decline, heart disease, and possibly even cancer. The theaflavins present in black tea especially work to protect your heart and blood vessels, allowing for a longer and less complicated life.

Photo from Teabox

Green tea

Green tea is a great source for EGCG, an antioxidant that inhibits cancer cells, prevents Alzheimer’s, protects the liver, and helps with fatigue. Green tea, along with black tea, are popular drinks from East Asian cultures that have contributed to healthier and longer-living individuals.

Photo from EcoWatch

Published by
Patrice Miranda
Tags: Tea

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