
Marvel Drops Official “Secret Invasion” First Trailer

Fury is back on earth to fight off the Skrulls

Marvel Studios officially dropped the highly-anticipated official Secret Invasion first trailer on April 4. The trailer features Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn as their fan-favorite characters, Nick Fury and Talos.

The Secret Invasion first trailer begins with Nick Fury addressing a group of S.W.O.R.D. agents. The scene hints at the possibility of a Skrull invasion on Earth. The Skrulls are an alien race with the ability to shape-shift introduced in “Captain Marvel.” They have since become a vital part of the franchise. Their power to impersonate anyone has raised the potential for chaos and betrayal.

The Secret Invasion first trailer also introduces new characters. These include ones played by Olivia Colman and Emilia Clarke’s character. Some of them appear to be in league with the Skrulls.

The footage shows action-packed scenes, explosions, car chases, and hand-to-hand combat. Nick Fury states that the Skrulls have infiltrated the highest levels of society. By the end of the trailer, Fury hints that he will have to deal with the situation “alone.”

The Secret Invasion first trailer and its storyline

The “Secret Invasion” storyline is one of the most iconic and beloved in Marvel Comics. With a star-studded cast and a thrilling storyline, “Secret Invasion” promises to be another hit for Marvel Studios.

With the introduction of new characters, Skrull invasion, and action-packed scenes, fans will remember how watching classic MCU films felt. Some viewers commented on the trailer saying that the tone “Secret Invasion” sets is just what the MCU needs.

Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” will be available for streaming on Disney+ on June 21, 2023.

Banner Art Paulo Correa

Published by
Ice Lee
Tags: Marvel

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