Categories: Food

5 Simple Iced Coffee Recipes to Try at Home

Nothing beats a cup of iced coffee when you need a beverage that will give you a caffeine boost. Whether you like it plain, bold, sweet, or milky, there are simple recipes you can try out at home. Plus, you’ll save yourself a few bucks and have something new to look forward to each day of the week.

Cold Brew

First, coarsely grind your beans to make cold brew. Place the grounds in the cold brew maker strainer, then pour room temperate water over it. Cover the pitcher and let it steep for at least 16 hours. After the wait, remove the strainer and enjoy your coffee as is or with milk.

Dalgona Coffee

There has been a Dalgona resurgence since being featured on Netflix’s Squid Game. Make yourself a tall glass of this cold drink that reminds us of the early aughts of the pandemic. In case you need a refresher on how to make it, June Xie has the perfect tutorial to follow.

Kori Kohi

Kori Kohi might be the solution to your watered-down iced coffee woes. All you need to do is brew your coffee in advance and pour it into an ice cube tray to freeze overnight. In the morning, pop those frozen coffee cubes in your cup and add milk.

Vietnamese Coffee

Not many local coffee shops offer Vietnamese coffee, but you can easily make one at home with just three ingredients. While it’s traditionally made with a Vietnamese press, you can use a pour-over cone as an alternative or substitute the coffee for a strong brewed espresso by following this NYT Cooking recipe.

Caramel Macchiato

Can’t go to Starbucks for you’re an iced caramel macchiato? Replicate the beloved espresso drink at home. As a former barista, Cooktoria picked up a few tips and tricks to help you perfect the beverage. What’s more, you can adjust the sweetness to your liking with this recipe.

ALSO READ: Popular Syrup Brands for Your Coffee Nook

Art Daniella Sison

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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