Categories: Wellness

10 Moves to Get Lovi Poe’s Abs

It’s difficult to find the motivation to exercise, especially amid a global pandemic wherein you’re at home as much as possible. However, there are those who have managed to stay super fit and sexy. Case in point: actress Lovi Poe. Don’t you just want to get her toned abs? 

According to an interview with, Lovi exerts a lot of effort to maintain her figure. “Minsan, ang hirap. I wake up extra early in the morning to get on the treadmill and, after that, do my pilates session just because I wanna be on my healthiest,” she explained.  

While it’ll take a lot of time, work, and sacrifices to achieve a rockin’ body like hers, you can work on taking inches off your waist, and toning your abs so you can wear crop tops and bikinis with confidence. 

Combined with a healthy diet (abs are made in the kitchen, y’all), these 10 moves will help you get closer to those toned Lovi Poe abs. What’s great about these moves is that you don’t need any equipment so you can do them even at home:

1.Basic crunches

The classic basic crunch is effective when done correctly. That’s why it’s a staple in most abs routines. 

2.Bicycle crunches

A great cardio move that targets your obliques, bicycle crunches mimics a cycling motion on the floor. It also strengthens your core. 

3.Reverse crunches

Unlike basic crunches, reverse crunches utilize your lower body. This targets that pouch area (aka your puson), which can be very difficult to get rid of.

4.Reclined punches

Lovi admits that she does a lot of cardio. Reclined punches are a great way to strengthen your core, and let out some steam when you’re stressed out. 

5.Heel taps

Another move that targets your obliques, this squeezing motion helps bring out the sexy “11” line on your abs. When done right, it’s a great move to keep your core tight.

(video courtesy of BodyBuilding YouTube page)

  1. Shoulder taps

A great move for your upper body strength and core, shoulder taps also improves your posture and reduces lower back pain. What a win!

7.Dead bug

No bugs need to be harmed for this workout move. This move is great for runners as it helps you maintain good form.

8.Bird dog

A move that promotes proper posture as well as stability, this one works on strengthening your core. It’s a simple move with a ton of benefits. 

9.Stationary plank

This may look easy, but holding a stationary plank for a minute (or more if you’re up for it) can be very hard. It’s one of the best exercises to target your entire core. 

10.Side plank

A plank variation that targets your obliques, it’s important you perform the move on both sides for the same amount of time. You don’t want to end up lopsided after all. 

While these moves are tested and proven ways to take your abs to the next level, remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. You need to exercise regularly in order to see your body evolve into the best version of itself. It’s not going to be easy, but it’ll be worth it. 

Published by
Aiya Rodjel

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