Categories: Wellness

How To Stay On Top Of Your Workout Goals

How are the New Year’s goals coming along? Did you start a workout routine like you said you would? If you started but didn’t pull through half way, don’t worry — you’re not alone.

It can be hard to stick to your workout goals by the time March or May comes around, but it’s perfectly normal. Life gets in the way, half a year passes, and we soon forget the magic of a New Years promise.

If you’re feeling a bit guilty about not staying consistent, consider the following tips:

Make a checklist

If you treat your workout like a to-do list, you’re sure to get things done. Every morning, list down what you’re going to eat, what workouts you’ll do, and other reminders for yourself along with your regular tasks. A checklist makes your goals seem easier and more doable, especially if you lump your exercise tasks with your everyday tasks. In addition, checking off a daily goal can really make you feel like you finished something!

Set alarms

You shouldn’t trust your sheer willpower to get you off your butt. Sometimes we need help and sometimes the help can be in the form of an alarm for your morning jog or afternoon stretch; they’ll serve as annoying reminders to take some time out of your busy day to put your health first. Don’t ignore your alarms!

Keep a log

Exercising is all about progress. The best way to monitor how well you’re doing is to keep a log. It can be digital or physical, just make sure to write down all the pertinent details to your workout routine or goal. For example, you could write down your weight for the week, or how far you ran on your last jog. With this, you’ll be able to track the results of certain workouts or habits, which can help you discern what works best for you.  

Take photos

And what is progress if you can’t see it? Aside from the log, progress photos can make you feel like you’re hitting your goals right. Take a photo every week or every month and compile and compare after a certain amount of time. Doing so will let you see where all your hard work is going towards and can motivate you to do even better in the future.

Start a food diary

Similar to the workout log, a food diary helps keep you on track of your diet. You don’t have to go hardcore calorie counting, but noting down what you’ve eaten and how much protein or sugar you’ve consumed can aid in your quest to achieve a certain weight or body type. Keeping a food diary will also make you feel more accountable for your food choices; pay special attention to what you eat on your cheat days!

If you’ve caught on to the trend, then congrats — you’ve noticed that most of the tips have to do with small, daily actions. Whether it be keeping track of your progress or reminding yourself to start a excercise task, sticking to your goals is all about the little things you do every day.

A little truly does go a long way, so stay accountable and stay motivated. The year isn’t over yet.

Published by
Patrice Miranda

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