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Twitter Bans Bot Account for Wordle Spoilers

Twitter recently suspended a bot account for posting spoilers for Wordle, the most popular word-guessing game on the internet right now. The game has been banking its success on people who shared their spoiler-free results on social media since launching in October 2021. So, whoever is behind the spoiler account is one big party-pooper.

Photo: Getty Images/Alexi Rosenfeld

READ: Wordle’s Not-so-Puzzling Worldwide Success

Violation of Twitter rules

“The account referenced was suspended for violating the Twitter Rules and the Automation Rules around sending unsolicited @mentions,” a Twitter spokesperson told AFP. The account in question is Twitter handle @wordlinator, which appeared to be out to ruin the fun for everyone sharing their censored best guesses on the social media platform.

User spoiler @Wordlinator suspended from Twitter

If an account tweeted their Wordle score for the day, the bot would automatically reply with, “Guess what. People don’t care about your mediocre linguistic escapades. To teach you a lesson, tomorrow’s word is” — preceded by the actual answer for the next day. Replies like these violate Twitter’s policy against harassment and could result in the account being suspended or deleted.

Photo: Twitter/@yc

How do the answers get leaked?

According to AFP, the bot account has already been suspended as of January 26, 2022.  Chicago-based programmer Dan Nguyen explained that the person could have uncovered the list of upcoming words on Wordle’s source code. Since the game is solely accessible through a web browser, it was “inevitable” that the answers would get leaked.

Have trouble with guessing the correct word of the day? Twitter will continue safeguarding the answers on their platform, so you’ll have to look elsewhere for answers. For starters, read our tips to help you improve your chances of winning in Wordle and make it easier to solve the problem. Alternatively, look for clues for the five-letter word on

Art Macky Arquilla

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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