Categories: Wellness

Should You Get a Gym Membership During the Pandemic?

January is typically a busy month for gyms as many people try to get in shape and shed off the holiday weight gain. But since we’re still in a pandemic, you might be wondering if it’s worthwhile to apply for a gym membership or renew your subscription. Here’s a list of things to consider before you commit to returning to the gym.

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ALSO READ: Is it Safe to go Back to the Gym?

Home Workouts vs. Gym Equipment

Many fitness enthusiasts have turned to home workouts when the virus hit and started building their own home gyms. However, some have limited space for these bulky machines or can’t afford them. A gym membership will be valuable if you need access to more equipment.

Indoor vs. Open-Air Gym

By now, we’re all aware that aerosol transmission plays a role in coronavirus infection. While you might prefer working out in an airconditioned room, an open-air gym will have better ventilation than an indoor establishment. The area should also be spacious enough for people to maintain social distance.

Safety and Sanitation

Although masks can theoretically help, they can be uncomfortable to wear during hard cardio workouts. Not to mention, you’ll have to be diligent with disinfecting every piece of equipment you use, which could be an added hassle. If this isn’t an issue for you, rest assured most gyms provide alcohol stations and sanitation wipes for your convenience.

Membership Fees

One factor that prevents people from joining a gym is the cost. Ask yourself how often you’ll drop by and compare your per-visit price to a day pass. For example, if your membership costs P30,000 a year, but you average one visit per week, that’s about P577 a day. Are you getting your money’s worth at each session?

The risk of COVID-19 transmission in fitness studios and gyms is determined by several factors, including vaccination and infection rates in your area. At the end of the day, your decision to rejoin a gym is a personal preference.

Art Macky Arquilla

Published by
Zarah Faderon

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